Specialised business enablement solutions in modern risk scenario

We work with our clients to enable business operations with liberty, efficiency, protection and profitability

Decision Making

Right information enabling timely and accurate decisions ensuring long term success. This includes our risk intelligence, threat assessments, due diligence, market intelligence, politics and sentiment analysis

Management Control

Enabling control through insightful tools and easing outreach of key executives. Travel safe support, covert intelligence operations, risk management & global security monitoring tools to ensure you are the one in control

Operational Efficiency

Detection and prevention of loss events and process leakages to optimise efficiency. Discrete compliance monitoring, vendor investigations, supply chain security, crisis management and support assure absolute peace of mind


Early detection and eradication of unknown external loss factors to ensure businesses can focus on their profits. This includes anti-counterfeiting operations, reputation management and security trainings

Risk Intelligence

Prompt risk intelligence prevents sabotage saving lives and minimising damages

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Witness Protection

Effective witness evacuation and protection plan goes great lengths in establishing facts and achieve justice

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